Sep 16Liked by Eddie Burns

This is a very powerful article, Eddie. Thank you for sharing it, and for opening up this discussion. In response to your first question, I feel like a diminishing sense of community, and of family, plays a part. I'm not one who thinks things were necessarily better in the "old days," but I do think that technology has created a void that was once filled by other humans. I'm not sure that there's a collective solution; it appears technology is evolving to do exactly that: replace the need for humans. But maybe in small groups (like this one) we can help each other to stay connected. Someone really wise who we both know said, "Technology is a good servant, but a dangerous master. We should use machines, and love people."

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Sep 16Liked by Eddie Burns

This was a great one, Eddie! Definitely worth reading again.

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Sep 12Liked by Eddie Burns

What a beautifully powerful article, Eddie. I, too, have been affected by an immediate family member that was out to take his life. It does leave an emotional residual. I appreciate your time and energy you put forth in your articles. Keep shinning, Eddie.

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What an informative and wrenching essay, Eddie. Rather than any embarrassment you still may feel, I hope you embrace the amazing fact that you have survived your depression. And now you support others by sharing your story. Bless you and your journey.

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Thank you, Ann. Within my family, I’m the only one who has survived so much.

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Sep 11Liked by Eddie Burns

The closet person to die by suicide in my life was a good friend of mine in 2007. Right now, I’m sitting in the room I heard the news. He was on my amends list and I didn’t get to him in time. But, I am grateful for your article and to remember him with Love.

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Thank you for your note and engagement.

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